Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dreaming of A President With Human Decency

This week, it’s all about DACA.  Dreamers.  Young children brought to this country by their parents, generally.  Kids who grew up here, speak English like you and me, buy their crap at Walmart, who work and pay taxes and go to school and know little about their “native” countries – because they’re never really been there.  As American as you or me in every way except one.   

They’re undocumented.

The last president – remember the black dude? – signed an executive order protecting them.  Hooray, black dude.  Congress, as usual, sat on their fat asses and couldn’t reach an agreement, so Obama gave them protection.  It was the decent, compassionate thing to do.  Everyone knows that. 

Then along comes Trump, who has apparently sworn a blood oath to undo everything Obama ever did.  He gives no thought to whether it might be a good thing.  If Obama did it, he’s going to undo it.  Period.  Trump has the compassion and human decency of a fucking blue crab. 

So all this talk these last two weeks of Trump wanting to fix DACA and protect the dreamers?  Get the fuck outta here.  Let’s remember:  Trump was the genius who nixed the Obama EO and put them in the crosshairs.  Trump.  No one else.  Trump.   He doesn’t give a flying fuck about the people at risk.  He doesn’t even understand how the government might work together in order to find ways to protect the dreamers.  Nor does he care.   He undid what Obama did.   THAT is the important thing.   Rip up the EO, go play golf, make outrageous statements (false, generally), insult some minorities, eat some KFC – but do the job he was elected to do?  Fuck me. 

So over the next few days, as we face a government shutdown and throw a few million human beings out of their homeland, keep in mind who done what and why. 

Oh, and – fuck you, Donald Trump.  Fuck you very much.