Friday, April 8, 2022

Defining Capricious


I sure love photos of kittens, don’t you?


Facebook is a swamp.  A quagmire.  Robots roam the landscape, incapable of understanding human language; the best they can do is parse out certain keywords.  Then, they pounce on unwary Facebook users, suspending accounts amidst accusations of violating community standards.


I just came off a 30 day sentence for opining that Vladimir Putin should be shot as a war criminal. Maybe I should have said “hanged”, which we do now and then to war criminals, but maybe it wasn’t the methodology as much as the suggestion that he be killed.  Does anyone outside of Mother Russia NOT want to see him taken out?


So my sentence expired and I went back to doing what I do.  I read an article (on WLOX, the local Biloxi TV station, which is teeming with bubbas and mobile home denizens) about an elderly couple who got lost in the mountains.  He died, probably of dehydration, but his wife survived.  And a comment I couldn’t pass up was that “God was with her.”   I said that god apparently was NOT with him and callously allowed him to expire.  The OP said, “Really?”  I pretended she was agreeing with me and said, “I know!  Those Christians certainly have a capricious Sky Uncle, don’t they?” 

Warning: DO NOT CALL IMAGINARY SUPREME BEINGS CAPRICIOUS. I hereby give you the dictionary definition of ‘capricious’ – “given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.” 


I guess the Robot Overlords never read about those ancient Greek Sky Uncles.


I’m considering just downloading all my photos (okay, SOME of my photos) and my notes and little stories and just eliminating, deleting my account.  I might post a hundred photos of my ballsack first with captions explaining what exactly the Facebook Overlords can do with it. 


Maybe it’s time to let JoeBob do the Lord’s work.  Jack is certainly on someone’s radar screen. 



At April 11, 2022 at 12:56 PM , Blogger Encargado Auxiliar said...

I'm Tod Heatwole, and I approve this message.

At April 11, 2022 at 9:39 PM , Blogger bovinehost said...

I am Jack Williams and I approve of Tod Heatwole.


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