Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The MetaVerse Doesn't Like My Buttocks

 I've been suspended, sometimes for very long periods of time, from Facebook for things I've said.  Mostly true things, accurate things, but let's not belabor that now.  These suspensions are what started my campaign of using my actual buttocks as profile photos.  I have no idea how many I've done or how often I've used these photos as my profile pic, but I'm sure it's been going on since last summer, at least.

I read up on the Facebook policy regarding nudity and stayed within those guidelines.  Mostly.  We are forbidden to show the anus and the FSM knows I've never done THAT.  We cannot show "close-ups" of buttocks so I've always included most of the rest of my body.  And a cowboy hat, generally.  I may have walked up to and peed over the line, but I never stepped over it.

Today, I was suspended again and I really couldn't figure out what I had said.  I was being such a good little internet consumer!  So a little bit of research produced this:

This was labeled "spam".  I objected.  Took the photo myself, I said.  Got some likes from people who would recognize me and/or my back yard.  It was not spam.  This was just a few hours ago and I guess the Robot Overlords are on coffee break, snickering about how they ban folks left and right based on very little - or nothing at all.  We shall see if any action is taken.  I have my doubts.

Meanwhile, because my ass is admired by some......




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