Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cowards of Congress: Kevin McCarthy


Kevin McCarthy demonstrates the size of his spine.






There are moments that change us as a nation.  In my life, there have been a few.  The killing of John Kennedy, Watergate, the Vietnam War, 9-11;  feel free to add whatever I’ve missed, but I think those were seminal events.  And because this country is more than willing to take a hard look at our problems in order to avoid even more problems, we investigated these events.

 The assassination of JFK brought us the Warren Commission.  You can argue with its conclusions, but the investigation itself was wide-ranging.  It was thorough.  It was public.  Public because Americans have a right to know.  And the Warren Commission brought big changes to how we, through the Secret Service, protect our presidents.  This is all how it should be.  A shocking event, a very public death, and then we examine how (and why) it happened so that we might avoid similar events in the future.

What the Warren Commission did NOT do was insist we also investigate the Lincoln assassination.   Watergate did not bring an investigation of, say, the Joseph McCarthy scandals, or the execution of the Rosenbergs.  Investigations into the events of 9-11 did not look into the Bay of Pigs.  There were excellent reasons for all of this; the events were unconnected.

And so we come to another seminal event in our history: the insurrection, the attack on Congress on the 6th of January.  Most of us watched it on television.  Most of us saw the flags, the signage, and we heard the words spoken by those involved.  They hoped to subvert democracy.  They wanted very badly to find elected officials and kill them.  We saw the gallows, the zip-ties, the invasion.  We knew why they were there and we knew what they wanted to do.  They came for Nancy Pelosi.  They hoped to hang Mike Pence.  We should be asking questions.  There should be a bipartisan commission to ask those questions, to require people to give an accounting of their involvement in the attempt to destroy our democracy. 

 History demands that accounting. 

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy does not want the American public to have answers.  He insists that if we are to investigate the insurrection, we should, at the same time, investigate Antifa and maybe BLM for events from last summer.  But he’s not really interested in that.  His focus is to avoid any hard examination of the insurrection.  Ask yourself why. 

If we do not have this commission, his cohorts can continue their assault on reality.  There is a strong current of January 6th Denialism in Republican circles and they hope to revise history.  It was just another day with tourists in the rotunda.  Those were not Trump fanatics.  And so on. 

And this is unmitigated bullshit.  I can smell it from Texas.


At September 13, 2021 at 10:10 AM , Blogger dodgeboy said...

Hopefully Jan. 06 is a turning point but, I don't see it as more terrorists are going to demand "justice" for other terrorists.


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