Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Naked Truth, and Also Naked Vacuuming

In my old life, I had a serious security clearance and a wife and kids and a couple of cats and a McMansion in a mostly lily-white suburb.

The security clearance kept me from talking about certain subjects.  Not classified stuff, that would bore your pants off - but politics and whether I detested the president and that sort of thing.  It was frowned on and I suppose I was fortunate that social media as a lifestyle was a few years away.  Now, of course, I espouse all manner of crazy shit.  Being a big southern male from the south and retired military - plus a gun owner - a lot of folks assume I must be conservative.

So that's not accurate at all.  It makes me happy.

And being a responsible head of household, I was dissuaded from posting any sort of nudity, even the tame stuff like this one.  


When I was suspended from Facebook a couple of times for really mundane statements, I became annoyed and decided to post my bit white ass in protest.  I figured it would only take an hour or two for the bots to assemble and punish me further.

It didn't happen.  So I started posting more, replacing the photo each week or so.  And NOTHING HAPPENED.  Except I got compliments from some girls I adore and a couple of gay guys I've known forever.  As for the latter, I don't really mind.  I guess I'm not a very good homophobe. 

Anyway, maybe I can get away with a BIT more risque content here.  No idea.

Onward and upward!





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