Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Photos in Boxes #1


Ah, Sandra. 

                                    Colombia 1986, I think.


We always spoke Spanish to each other because her English was nearly non-existent.  This was fine with me. I always value the practice. 

One day, she told me that she had bought two little jungle lovebirds along with a cage; she thought I was inventive, maybe, and asked me what she should name them.  Being a smart-ass, I said, “Flotsam and Jetsam.”  She laughed although I doubted she had any idea what those terms were.

A couple of days later, I saw the birds and asked her if she had named them.  Yep, she had, she proudly informed me.  She had indeed named them.  “This one”, she said, pointing to the female, “is Flossie.  “And her boyfriend is Jackson.”

Flossie and Jackson.  She had indeed heard the names I suggested.  



                 My God, she was a beautiful creature.


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