Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Ejected From The Metaverse


Yesterday, I stole a meme from some unsuspecting contributor.  The meme is seen above.  It was available on my newsfeed for approximately NOT EVEN A FUCKING MINUTE when I received the warning: "You have violated community standards."  I had two options.  Accept the ruling or contest the ruling by the Robot Overlords.  

I've been down this road before - and for equally stupid reasons.  I decided to simply accept, have the offensive (?) meme deleted and everyone goes forward with our meta-lives.  This was not good enough for the Robot Overlords, who then decided to banish me for thirty fucking days.

For the meme you see above.

I went back and contested the judgement but many of us know what that means.  It means nothing.

No violence.  No bullying.  No glorifying of bad persons.  No nudity.  It's satire.  Satire must be very difficult for the Robot Overlords.  No sense of context.  It is a cartoon character, carrying a perfectly legal firearm.  He is claiming to be a medic.  Where the fuck is the violation of community standards?

As I've said before, we need a better platform.  But now Facebook is the Metaverse.  This is what you get with monopolies.  You post, they decide.

Fuck you, Fuckerburger, and the Robot Overlords you rode in on.