Thursday, January 20, 2022

Freezing in Tex-Ass: 20 January, 2022

 Yesterday, I was parading around my back yard in shorts and flip-flops.

Maybe even less than that.

This morning I’m greeted - rudely - with low 20s.  At least we’re not blanketed with ice.  I’m trying to be thankful.

I have fire.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Protesting the MetaVerse Through Ass Photos

 The ultimate collection of photos I've used over the last few years in order to show my distaste with "community standards" over at that social media cesspool.

Doot, doot, doot, looking out my back door.  I combined numerous filters so that it looks sort of like a Walter Anderson cottage.  Numerous shots were discarded due to visible naughty bits but this one worked nicely.

Keeping my arms from becoming soft and rubbery by lifting these dumbbells.  This app is called Percolator. It makes little circles very nicely.  Highly recommended and thanks to Mrs Cathryn Lovely for pointing this one out.  (The app, not the photo.)








It's winter as I write this and I miss warmer weather!  I also used this same shot to portray myself as Superman, I think, for National Superhero Day.
Playing my pink reissue 1961 Jazz bass in the Scream Parlour.  My manhood is not threatened by a pink bass.

My backside in the front side of my house.
It's a real holiday around these parts.
I don't know nothin' but the blues.
Wicked cold, 16 degrees without wind chill.