Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Photos in Boxes #1


Ah, Sandra. 

                                    Colombia 1986, I think.


We always spoke Spanish to each other because her English was nearly non-existent.  This was fine with me. I always value the practice. 

One day, she told me that she had bought two little jungle lovebirds along with a cage; she thought I was inventive, maybe, and asked me what she should name them.  Being a smart-ass, I said, “Flotsam and Jetsam.”  She laughed although I doubted she had any idea what those terms were.

A couple of days later, I saw the birds and asked her if she had named them.  Yep, she had, she proudly informed me.  She had indeed named them.  “This one”, she said, pointing to the female, “is Flossie.  “And her boyfriend is Jackson.”

Flossie and Jackson.  She had indeed heard the names I suggested.  



                 My God, she was a beautiful creature.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Exposure: Hint of a Penis

 Last year, I was suspended from THAT SOCIAL MEDIA SITE for some imaginary insult to an idiot who claimed to be tough and Republican and all that horse shit but was apparently a gentle little snowflake who couldn't handle my pointed commentary.

So fuck that guy.

But then the bots, I guess, noticed me.  I was banned for 30 days for saying exactly this: "The dumb is thick on the ground here."   It was annoying.  Thankfully, I was schooled in the ways of the "throw-down firearm" by someone I should not name, but I learned well and had, in effect, a throw-down account.  

Which also was suspended for some other bullshit, but you know I had another one, lying in wait.  So adapt and overcome.  I stayed on THAT SOCIAL MEDIA SITE in spite of the Robot Overlords being aware of my criminal ways.  As a sort of 'fuck you' response, I started posting my shapely posterior as my profile picture.  As mentioned earlier in this blog, I had researched what was allowed as far as bums go, and while I pushed the limits, I did not step (very far) over the line.  Months later, I'm still being subversive and I even get some compliments now and then on my exposed buttocks.

You know who you are, and I do appreciate it.

Others do not like it so much.  They want to know why I must do this.  Well, I don't have to, but now it's become a THING, I guess.  When I went back to a clothed, normal sort of profile photo, I actually got messages asking when the ass would be back.  And I'm a people-pleaser, right?

Anyway, in the course of photographing my backside, I also photographed my front side, unsure of what if anything I could do with such things.  You think folks are skeevy about butt photos?  Even a hint of a penis (this would be an excellent album name, "Hint Of A Penis") sends some people over the edge.  I don't really understand it.  Half the world's population, more or less, is equipped with them. The other half, more or less, have some experience with them.  And I'm not talking about your average dick-pic.  You want one of THOSE?  No, you don't.  But what if full frontal male nudity is more artful?  This is a question I've asked myself more than once, having been a photographer since the early 70s.  I took plenty of female nudes back then; there was no internet and I wasn't taking cheesecake or wide open beaver sort of photos.  I shot for art.  It was mostly black and white, for fuck's sake.

Anyway, if it bothers you, I'd steer clear.  I will clearly mark those posts and assemble some kind of warning because god knows if a young person saw a penis, no one can guarantee the safety of Earth.

The photo below was cropped because I was scared but I actually like the uncropped version, so here we go.